Yeah, I'm one of those self proclaimed 'international wedding photographers', I work on both sides of the border! The moral today is one of thanks and spontaniety.
I shot a beautiful wedding in Bunbeg on Friday past; Michael and Christina choose me to be part of their big day, and as a bonus booked me a room in the mighty Ostan Gweedore Hotel. In 2 minds as to whether to spend a night away from my girls I asked them to join me and decided to stay the whole weekend. It was an absolute treat to work that wedding, to share in the love and the craic, to get back stage passes to the show, and above that a total luxury to be able to down tools and join my girls in the restaurant afterwards, to fall into a massive kingsize bed just up the stairs, to walk the beach in the morning and indulge in the experience of the Gaeltacht area.
Wedding photography is an amazing job, I love what I do. It is hard work too, and the awful truth is I spend 90% of my time at a computer and a tiny fraction with my camera in hand, but it is fulfilling, and the odd time I get a wee sneaky holiday from it.
So, to Michael and Christina, my kind hosts at The Ostan Gweedore, my beautiful girls and all the couples, recent and far back, that I've had the pleasure to spend time with I thank thee.

View from our bedroom window - epic!
Sunset at the famous Bunbeg shipwreck
I trust my daddy!
Late evening dander just a few steps from a pint of stout!